The Brooks
The Brooks is a 2,492 acre master-planned development in Bonita Springs, which has four gated communities – Shadow Wood, Copperleaf, Lighthouse Bay, & Spring Run.
Copperleaf & Spring Run
ABB was the lead Civil Engineer responsible for all land use planning, design, and permitting. Work was coordinated with Gordon Lewis and various disciplines producing the entire bundled golf community. Permits and approvals included SFWMD, FDEP, USACOE, Lee County, BSU, FDOT and other minor permits. The Spring Run Golf Course Rehab included a re-work of a golf course engineered 15 years prior. The resident owners chose to change the play of this course including greens rebuilding and tee box location. Involvement with a project of this type, after having been involved with its original design and construction, yielded invaluable information on how to design differently up front to reduce more lasting value at no additional up front cost, thus reducing the potential of “latent defects claims.”
Services Provided:
Drainage/Stormwater Management
Landscape Design
CEI Services
Topographic Survey
Site Civil Engineering
As-Built Survey